-Books, Mystery Party Games, Full-Length Plays, and Skits-

Write To Bless The World

Susan E. Thomas, M.A.
322 Cumberland St., Lolo, MT 59847
E-mail: christianwriter.thomas@gmail.com
Tel: 612-888-3722

Professional info
S. E. Thomas, M. A. is a multi-published, award-winning author. She founded and owns The Dramatic Pen Press, LLC. She is a skilled editor, a talented speaker, and a trained educator.
Work experience
Office Administrator, Care Net of Missoula, Missoula, MT.
January 2016 - present
Serve as receptionist at the front desk helping clients locate services they need.
Answer phones, answer questions, and direct clients, donors, and other business professionals to the service or information they need.
Conduct intakes and pregnancy tests for women who suspect a pregnancy.
Enter and manage all client data into the database.
Work with volunteers
Publisher and Owner of The Dramatic Pen Press, LLC. Lolo, MT.
February 2014 - present
Launched privately owned publishing company.
Developed novel products, website, and promotional materials (both print and video.)
Instituted a state-wide contest and networked with a local business for its promotion.
Marketed through multiple venues: social media, blogs, newspapers, public institutes, etc.
Instructor, Valley School of Ministry, Missoula, MT.
Developed and delivered an intensive class entitled, Professional Writing for Ministry, Feb. 20-22, 2015.
Teaching Assistant for Belief and Reality, University of Idaho, Moscow, ID.
2010 - 2011
Assisted Dr. Michael O’Rourke in teaching this introductory course in epistemology and metaphysics by filling in for him when he had to miss class.
Led weekly recitation sessions that were discussion based to delve more deeply into the material.
Held regular office hours during which I consulted with students, explained the material, and helped them better develop their thoughts in their writing assignments.
Graded assignments and recorded those grades in a timely manner.
Healthy Relationship Education Coordinator, Palouse Care Network, Moscow, ID.
2010 - 2011
Developed and delivered healthy relationship presentations for teens and college students.
Networked with area schools, businesses, and private entities.
Developed novel promotional materials and prepared them for distribution.
Updated the website and social networking sites.
Assisted in the organization of promotional and fund-raising events.
MOPS Coordinator, Trinity Baptist Church, Moscow, ID.
2003 - 2007
Led and spoke at bi-monthly meetings for both Christian and non-Christian women.
Led bi-monthly steering team meetings as final authority for MOPS decisions.
Coordinated with the church leaders, MOPS members, and volunteers.
As MOPS treasurer, created and followed a budget. Organized and oversaw fundraising events.
M.A. Philosophy
2010 -2012
University of Idaho, Moscow, ID. GPA: 4.0
B.S.E. English Education.
John Brown University, Siloam Springs, AR.
Office Systems Specialist Certificate.
Santa Fe Community College, Gainesville, FL.
Core Competencies
Bi-lingual: English and Spanish. Extensive cross-cultural experience.
Excellent reading and writing skills. Multi-published, award-winning author.
Extensive knowledge of the field of epistemology. My thesis, “Interpersonal Knowledge,” is a work of epistemology.
Extensive knowledge of Biblical Judaism, Early Christianity, and Judeo-Christian religious texts, practices, and symbolism.
In-depth knowledge of critical thinking, metaphysics, ethics, history of philosophy.
Familiarity with a variety of philosophical areas, such as environmental philosophy, feminism, and existentialism.
Above-average familiarity with the publishing world, business, and marketing.
Creative self-starter with excellent leadership, problem-solving, and communication skills.
Published Material
Is My Faith My Own? A Resource for Christian Young People Leaving Home for the First Time
January 28, 2016
The Dramatic Pen Press, LLC
Life's Midterm Online
Lolo, MT
Acting Out Loud
Oct. 2015
The Dramatic Pen Press, LLC
Lolo, MT
Habakkuk's Plea: Elohim Answers
Jul. 2015
The Dramatic Pen Press, LLC
Lolo, MT
Hadarah's Story
Apr. 2015
The Dramatic Pen Press, LLC
Lolo, MT
Habakkuk's Plea: Evil Persists
Apr. 2015
The Dramatic Pen Press, LLC
Lolo, MT
Habakkuk's Plea: A Prophet of Elohim
Mar. 2015
The Dramatic Pen Press, LLC
Lolo, MT
Let Them Eat Cake: An Interactive Mystery Party for Teens or Adults
Feb. 2015
The Dramatic Pen Press, LLC
Lolo, MT
The Sixth Hour
Feb. 2015
The Dramatic Pen Press, LLC
Lolo, MT
The Photograph
Dec. 2014
A Shaker of Margaritas: That Mysterious Woman
Mozark Press, Sedalia, Missouri.
Longing for Rest
Sept. 2014
The Dramatic Pen Press, LLC.
Lolo, MT.
Shaming Large Families
Aug. 2014
The American Feminist: A Crying Shame, Spring/Summer 2014
Feminists for Life of America.
A Reason To Celebrate: A Full-Length Christmas Production
June 2014
The Dramatic Pen Press, LLC.
Lolo, MT.
Accuracy: An Interactive Party Game for Teens or Adults
April 2014
The Dramatic Pen Press, LLC.
Lolo, MT.
Murder At Surly Gates: An Interactive Party Game for Teens or Adults
March 2014
The Dramatic Pen Press, LLC.
Lolo, MT.
Who Invited The Stiff To Dinner? An Interactive Party Game for Teens or Adults
February 2014
The Dramatic Pen Press, LLC.
Lolo, MT.
Ashes Remain, A Shaker of Margaritas: Cougars on the Prowl
October 2011
Mozark Press
Sedalia, Missouri.
The Business of Finding a Husband, A Shaker of Margaritas: Hot Flash Mommas
October 2010
Mozark Press
Sedalia, Missouri
(First-place contest winner.)
The Things That Are Not
Apr/May 2009
Focus on the Family Magazine
Focus on the Family
Colorado Springs, CO.
Do We Shoot Our Wounded?
Fall 2009
The Secret Place
Judson Press
Valley Forge.
Firmly Established
Fall 2009
The Secret Place
Judson Press
Valley Forge.
Love Me First
Fall 2009
The Secret Place
Judson Press
Valley Forge.
Christians and Popcorn
Mar/Apr 2007
Keys for Kids
CBH Ministries
Grand Rapids, MI.
Not Just A Statistic
Nov. 2006
Focus on the Family Magazine
Focus on the Family
Colorado Springs, CO.
I'd Like Some Peace, Please!
Sept. 2005
Focus on the Family Magazine,
Focus on the Family
Colorado Springs, CO.
Skills & Interests
Philosophy & Theology
Marriage, Parenting & Family
Pro-Life Issues
Speaking & Teaching
Courses &/Or Seminars
Intro to Epistemology
Intro to Metaphysics
Belief and Reality
Intro to Ethics
Intro to Philosophy
Critical Thinking
Intro to Biblical Apologetics
Intro to Environmental Ethics
History of Ancient Phil
History of Modern Phil
Moral Philosophy
Religions of the World
Feminism and the Bible
Theology & History Courses &/Or Seminars
Old Testament Overview
New Testament Overview
Everyday Life in OT Times
Everyday Life/Time of Jesus
Everyday Life/Greco-Rom World
History of Ancient Mesopotamia
History of Ancient Egypt
History of Israel I & II
The Feasts of the Lord
History of the Christian Faith
Biblical Judaism
How to Study Your Bible
Various Biblical Book Studies
English & Writing Courses &/Or Seminars
Professional Writing
Writing for Ministry
Journalistic Writing
Creative Writing
The Power of Poetry
Plotting Your Novel
Advanced English Grammar American Literature to 1900 Shakespearean Literature Restoration and 18th Century Literature
19th Century British Literature World Literature I & II
The 6 Essential Elements of
2010 - present
2010 - present
Writing Awards
First Place
Short Story Contest
Mozark Press
Grand Prize
First Paragraph Writing Contest
Women's Memoirs
Speaking Experience
Guest Speaker
April 9, 2016
Expanding Borders: The Spirit and Practice of Writing for Ministry
Stir It Up Christian Writer's Mini-Conference
His Story Christian Gift Store
Lewiston, ID
Valley School of Ministry
Missoula, MT
Motivational Speaker
Single Mom's Dinner
Palouse Care Network
Moscow, ID
Motivational Speaker
Ladies' Retreat
Trinity Baptist Church
Moscow, ID
Volunteer Experience
Parent Advisory Board Member
Missoula Alliance Church Youth Group
Missoula, MT
Connections Leader
Missoula Alliance Church
Missoula, MT
TDP Press Christian Critique Group Founder & President
The Shredders
TDP Press Chapter
I organize and lead bi-monthly meetings, teach writing technique, and critique writing samples.
Missoula, MT
Founder and President
Coalition of Christian Feminists.
Lolo, MT.
Fall 2014 - January 2016
Care Net of Missoula
Missoula, MT
Sunday School Teacher
3rd-5th Grades
Trinity Baptist Church
Used curriculum I developed.
Moscow, ID.
ACW Christian Critique Group Founder & President
We Is Writers
American Christian Writers Chapter
Moscow, ID
Worship Team Member
Trinity Baptist Church
Moscow, ID
Food Bank Volunteer
Troy Food Bank
Troy, ID
Sunday School Teacher
Adult Bible History Class
Trinity Baptist Church
Using curriculum I developed.
Moscow, ID.
Large Group Discussion Leader
Ladies' Retreat
Trinity Baptist Church
Post Falls, ID
Drama Team Leader
Trinity Baptist Church
Moscow, ID
TV Show Guest
2006 & 2007
Between Friends
With Lonna Vopat, Former Mrs. Idaho
3 Interviews, Total
Lewiston, ID
Advisor for The Eye
Fall 1998
Siloam Springs High School newsletter
Siloam Springs, AR
I helped instruct students in writing, editing and journalism.
The Dominican Republic
Gates Rubber Company, Siloam Springs, AR.
(7 times total)
Editor & Typist
Freed Indeed
A prison newsletter
Gainesville, FL
I edited and critiqued submissions and formatted the layout for printing
Current Memberships
Feminists for Life of America
MT Pages, Christian authors network
Coalition of Christian Feminists
Shredders, Christian Critique Group
Indie Christian Authors, Facebook Group
Christian Indie Authors, Facebook Group
Christian Authors & Writers, Facebook Group
Indie Christian Books, Facebook Group
Conference Experience
Inland Northwest Christian Writers' Conference
March 2015
Festival of the Book
October 2014
Hosted a booth and book signing event.
University of Montana
Missoula, MT
Writers' Retreat
July 2014
Camp Utmost
Bonner. MT.
Inland Northwest Christian Writers' Conference
March 2014
Spokane, WA.
Festival of the Book
Oct. 2013
University of Montana
Missoula, MT.
Northwest Philosophy Conference
Washington State University
Pullman, WA.
Wait Training Conference
Healthy Relationship Education
Northwest Philosophy Conference
University of Idaho
Moscow, ID.
American Christian Writers' Conference
Sept. 2008
Spokane, WA.
American Christian Writers' Conference
Sept. 2006
Spokane, WA.